In the world of Alien Resistance Group, operatives are tasked with a variety of missions aimed at countering the alien invasion. Each mission type presents unique challenges and objectives that test the skills and teamwork of your squad.
Radar LevelEdit
Your radar level reflects the amount of information you have about the alien presence in the area. The higher your radar level, the more mission options become available. If you upgrade your radar level to maximum you can even find hidden ARNG camps.
Survival MissionsEdit
Survival missions throw your squad into intense battles against waves of alien enemies. Your goal is to survive for as long as mission objective status tells.
Kill MissionsEdit
In kill missions, your squad is tasked with eliminating a specific number of alien targets within a designated area. Precision and coordination are crucial as you take down the enemy forces and clear the area of threat.
Dungeon MissionsEdit
Dungeon missions involve infiltrating alien-controlled structures or underground complexes. Navigate through tight corridors and hostile environments to complete objectives and gather valuable resources.
Ship Infiltration MissionsEdit
Ship infiltration missions require your squad to board an alien spacecraft. Engage in close-quarters combat and gather critical intel as you explore the interior of the ship.
Get supplies missionsEdit
Abandoded military bases contain valuable equipment.
Rescue MissionsEdit
In rescue missions, your squad must locate and extract civilians or fellow operatives who are trapped or captured by the aliens. Time is of the essence as you navigate dangerous territory to bring them to safety.
Each mission type presents its own unique gameplay dynamics and challenges. Adapt your tactics and strategies accordingly to succeed and thwart the alien invasion.